The Surprising Ways Sleep Affects Your Skin

Are you looking for ways to up your skincare game? You may want to live an acne-free life or look more youthful. If so, you should know that the best skincare tip is also the simplest: get more sleep. Scientists have known for years that sleep affects your skin in many ways and that getting more of it is a great way to enjoy a youthful appearance. 

In this blog, we’ll discuss the benefits of sleep and how much you need to enjoy your most beautiful skin. 

Let’s dive in.

4 Incredible Ways Sleep Affects Your Skin

Sleep is the building block of good health. It affects everything from our performance to our memory to our skin. 

sleep effects your skin

Here are a few things you should know about the connection between a good night’s rest and youthful skin:

1. Getting enough sleep decreases inflammation and puffiness

When we sleep, skin cells repair and regenerate. If we don’t get adequate sleep, that regeneration can’t occur. The result is puffiness around the eyes, thanks to increased blood and fluid retention. 

2. Adequate sleep slows the aging process

Nighttime is the skin’s opportunity to repair the micro-damage it experiences during the day. When a person is sleep deprived, there’s less time for the skin to heal. 

There’s also less time for the skin to produce collagen, the protein responsible for creating a plump, supple appearance. 

The result?

Sleep deprivation accelerates the aging process while prioritizing rest slows it down.

3. Getting enough sleep promotes moisture retention in the skin

All day long, our bodies lose moisture. It happens as we breathe, sweat, and encounter environmental elements. 

To combat this, the body produces a hormone known as vasopressin, which promotes nighttime water retention. This is why applying a heavy-duty nighttime face cream can promote supple skin. 

If you don’t get adequate sleep, the body can’t produce adequate vasopressin. The result is thin, dehydrated skin that looks older than it is.

4. Getting ample sleep promotes a healthy skin barrier

Our circadian rhythms impact nearly every element of the body’s function. Getting enough sleep ensures ample skin hydration, minimizes water loss, and keeps oil and sebum production in check. It also promotes ample blood flow, a healthy skin barrier, and proper skin cell division. 

This is a critical consideration for those of us who live in harsh, cold climates like Montana - the skin barrier helps protect the subcutaneous layers of our skin from the cold, snow, and sun. If the barrier is depleted, the skin can’t withstand the elements. 

Fortunately, getting enough sleep promotes a robust and resilient skin barrier that decreases the visible signs of aging. 

5 Ways to Maximize Your Beauty Sleep for Flawless Skin

Now that you know how sleep affects your skin, let's talk about ways to hack your sleep routine to get the most beautiful skin possible. 

Here are our top tips:

1. ALWAYS wash your face before bed

We know the feeling - you’re exhausted, and all you want to do is climb into bed. 

Don’t hit the sheets without washing your face, though! Each day, the skin encounters numerous irritants. Makeup, pollution, harsh weather, sun, and more - all take a toll.

 And if you’re not washing those irritants off your face before you go to bed each night, they can sink in and cause damage like large pores, rashes, inflammation, and acne outbreaks - to name a few.

To clean your face, use a gentle cleanser to remove oil, dirt, and makeup. 

2. Use an overnight moisturizer

The skin regenerates most rapidly at night. To help it rebuild its protective layer, use a nighttime moisturizer to lock in moisture, hydrate your skin as you sleep, and promote a supple, youthful appearance. We recommend choosing a thick nighttime cream or oil or opting for an overnight sleeping mask. 

3. Get enough sleep each night

Adults need 7-9 hours of sleep each night. The most important type of sleep is stage 3, “non-REM” sleep, during which your body restores itself and repairs damaged tissues, cells, and muscle fibers. 

If you struggle to get ample sleep, consider natural sleep aids like botanical mixtures. We also recommend focusing on sleep hygiene: keep your room dark, cool, quiet, and pet-free, avoid screens in the hour before bed, and sleep on a silk pillowcase to reduce skin compression. 

4. Back your sleep routine up with good skin care practices

We know that sleep affects your skin, but you can maximize its benefits by practicing great skincare during your waking hours. 

The good news is that great skincare doesn’t have to be hard. We recommend washing your face with a gentle cleanser, using moisturizing cream to lock in moisture, and applying sunscreen daily. 

At the end of the day, take your makeup off, wash your face, and apply a night cream to help your skin rejuvenate. Avoid smoking and direct exposure to the sun, stay out of tanning beds and don’t scratch or pick your face. 

When you need something a little more comprehensive, visit a cosmetic dermatologist, like Laser Cosmetic Center. We offer various rejuvenating skin treatments, including microneedling, FraxelDual lasers, and more. 

These treatments can reduce scarring, fine lines, wrinkles, and discoloration and help you look and feel your best. Our estheticians can also make skincare recommendations to help you care for and protect your skin. 

5. Drink enough water

Sleep affects your skin, but so does hydration. Keep your skin supple by drinking the recommended amount of water daily: about 3.7 liters for men and 2.7 liters for women. If water isn’t your thing, hydrate with unaffiliated teas, sparkling waters, infused water, juices, and more. 

You can also up your hydration by eating water-rich foods. Some of our favorites include celery, leafy greens, fruits and vegetables, watermelon, cucumber, and peaches. 

Laser Cosmetic Center: Serving Your Skincare Needs

Keeping your skin beautiful is a full-time job; we’re here to help. While sleep affects your skin, many other environmental factors do, as well.
Fortunately, our team will help you look and feel your best by offering practical, comprehensive skin rejuvenation treatments.

Contact us today to learn more!

Posted on February 13, 2023 .