Laser Hair Removal: How it Works

Laser hair removal legs

Summer is just a few months away, and you’re probably dreaming of warmer days and sunshine. If so, now is the perfect time to start preparing. Fall and winter are the best times to undergo laser hair removal since the lack of sun allows plenty of time for the treated area to heal before summer arrives. 

This blog will discuss the benefits of laser hair removal, how it works, and why having the procedure done during the winter is such a great idea.

Let’s dive in.

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is a medical procedure that uses light to remove unwanted hair at the root. During the process, a specialized, skin-sensitive laser emits a focused beam of light that the hair's pigment absorbs. The light is then converted into heat, which destroys  the hair follicle. This heat disables the hair follicle from future growth. Since our hair grows in cycles multiple treatments are necessary for desired results. To see how effective laser hair removal can be, check out our gallery of before and after images

5 Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Unwanted hair can sprout up in many places on the body. Some of the most common are the underarms, legs, or bikini line. Fortunately, laser hair removal is an excellent way to cope with this unwanted hair, and to reduce or remove it.

Here are five benefits of laser hair removal treatment:

  1. Speed. Laser treatments offer a quick solution to hair removal. In fact, most sessions take only a few minutes and hair growth begins to decrease after just a few appointments.

  2. Reduced pain. Methods like waxing and epilators rip hair out by the root, causing pain and discomfort. Laser hair removal, however, is less painful than other methods.

  3. Precision. Laser hair removal can target precise areas on the body. This makes it ideal for people who want to target certain “problem areas.”

  4. Long-term. Laser hair removal is a long-term solution that prevents regrowth and ingrown hairs, and allows you to enjoy smooth skin for months to come. 

  5. Body-friendly. Laser hair removal can remove hair from any part of the body, even sensitive areas like the bikini zone and face. 

When is the Best Time to Have Laser Hair Removal?

Fall and winter are the best times for laser hair removal. Most people have less sun exposure (especially here in the northern climates). 

During this time, the skin loses pigment. That, combined with less exposure to the sun means there’s a much lower chance for skin damage from the sun or damage to the hair follicles after the procedure. 

Since skin that’s recently been treated by laser hair removal is sensitive, keeping it out of the sun while it heals is the best way to ensure beautiful results and healthy skin. 

How to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal

In addition to choosing the right season for laser hair removal, you can do a few things to prepare for the procedure. Here are a few things to do before you book your first procedure:

1. Stop bleaching your hair

If you have dark hair that you bleach, you’ll want to stop doing it a few weeks before your laser hair removal. If the hair has been bleached, it won’t absorb the light of the laser. This will make the laser hair removal less effective. 

2. Don’t pluck, wax, or thread the treatment area beforehand

For a few weeks before your laser hair removal appointment, stop plucking, threading, or waxing the hair in the treatment area. Instead, let the hair grow for a few weeks before the treatment. This ensures a healthy hair follicle that the laser treatment can reach easily. This is especially important if you’re treating hard-to-reach hair, like back hair. 

That said, you will want to shave before the appointment*. Shaving creates a clean surface for the laser to travel through and makes it easy for the laser to reach the follicle.

*This can be somewhat confusing - so here’s the explanation: Plucking or waxing pulls the hair out by the “bulb” or root. We want that root to be there so the laser beam can destroy the root and stop the hair growth. Shaving the hair off the top of the skin leaves the hair root intact, and ready to be lasered. If you don’t shave, the laser beam hits the hair above the surface of the skin. We want the laser beam to penetrate to the root of the hair, not above the skin of surface hair. (If this is still confusing, give us a call. We’re happy to answer all of your questions!)

3. Stop tanning or self-tanning

Laser hair removal works best on skin that is its natural color. With that in mind, avoid tanning beds for at least one month before your appointment. If you have a tan or sunburn from natural sun exposure, you may need to postpone your appointment until your tan has faded. 

You’ll also want to avoid applying self-tanner since darkening your skin will cause the skin to absorb the laser's energy, rather than allowing it to reach the hair follicle. This increases your risk of burns and blisters and makes the laser hair removal treatment less effective. 

4. Skip the skincare routine on treatment day

Skip moisturizers, oils, and lotions to avoid potential complications on the day of your scheduled treatment. When you arrive for your appointment, your skin should be clean, dry, and completely free of any skincare product. 

If you use prescription facial creams for acne, avoid using them for 2-4 weeks before a facial treatment to ensure your skin isn’t too sensitive for the laser treatment. 

laser hair removal underarms

How to Care for Your Skin After Laser Hair Removal 

During your laser hair removal treatment, you’ll probably experience very minimal pain. Most patients report that the process feels like being snapped by a rubber band. After the treatment, your skin will likely be sensitive to the touch and will require some specialized care.

Here are a few steps to follow:

  • Avoid direct sun exposure in the treated area. 

  • Apply ice or cold compresses to the affected area if you notice redness or swelling. Be sure to wrap the ice pack in a washcloth or towel to avoid freezing the skin surface.

  • Avoid itching, rubbing, or scratching the treated skin.

  • Use a gentle, unscented SPF moisturizer to restore moisture to the skin and protect it from excessive sun exposure.

  • Wear loose, soft clothing that won’t irritate or rub the treated skin.

  • Avoid thick makeup after a facial treatment. Instead, go bare-faced or opt for mineral formulations.

  • Avoid hot water during showers or baths. Instead, opt for lukewarm water that doesn’t shock the skin.

  • Avoid tanning beds, steam rooms, saunas, and other hot environments.

  • Avoid intensive exercise during the 24-48 hours after treatment.

  • Take an over-the-counter NSAID to decrease inflammation. 

 How Often Will I Need to Go Back?

After your first appointment, you’ll probably need multiple appointments to get the hair-free results you want. Most likely, you’ll need to return 4-5 weeks after your first appointment, and possibly again 4-5 weeks after that. 

Choosing the Right Laser Hair Removal Experts

Are you interested in having laser hair removal? Great! You’ll love the results. Before you schedule your appointment, though, you need to make sure you’re working with trained, experienced aestheticians like the team at Laser Cosmetic Center. We offer hair reduction in sensitive areas like the underarms, legs, chin, bikini line, and more. 
Now is the time to get summer-ready! Contact our team today to schedule your laser hair removal appointment.

Posted on February 18, 2022 .